Personal Work
Between work and family, it's rare for me to find time to just sketch or draw. Most things in here will be a departure from my typical work and experimental. It will not be 'perfect'. So please judge accordingly. ;)
I know you're supposed to put your "best stuff" out there, but I think that leaves out so much. Like many artists, I am not my day job and I like to experiment to understand techniques and "what ifs". And sometimes, those "what ifs" may not be perfect but they lead to understanding.

Intersection at Scolleborwgh WIP (Glazed)

Darth Maleficent (Glazed)

Character Design "Rocket" Jim

A quick gif of some of the stages in the painting

On a lark (that lasted too many hours) I wanted to update the Dragon Lance logo; give it some modern panache, if you will.
Works In Progress

Unfinished boat map for TTRPG.

Aurora Skywalker, cuz...why not?